I hope you’re having a great spring so far. The weather’s been good so enjoy it now before all the heat and humidity of summer come crashing in! Just thinking about summer makes me sweat. It makes me think about great summer movies too. Adventures, comedies, thrillers – I love a good summer movie. I especially enjoy those epic finales where the good guy triumphs and wins the ultimate victory. Nothing more satisfying than that.
I was thinking about movie adventures the other day, and I realized that the real estate world is full of its own adventures. Great buyers with great credit and big dreams for the future go on a hunt for their dream home. They tackle and navigate the challenges of securing the very best loan. Finally their prize is before them. The keys to their future are handed to them with a smile. It’s victory for them! A happy ending for sure.
But once in a while, the ending isn’t so happy. In fact, it’s tragic. Great buyers find their dream home, and do everything their lender requires. They’re told over and over not to worry. They’re told to trust the process. Finally their prize is before them. And…in the 11th hour they’re informed the loan can’t close. They’re left with no keys, no home, and no hope. It’s tragic, and sadly, it happens a lot.
As a real estate professional what do you do? Walk away? Throw your hands in the air? Stand with your mouth hanging open?
Or…do you help your client find a lender who can rescue the loan?
Not too long ago I came face-to-face with a couple who found themselves left with no keys and no hope. Ethan and Kalani were, in fact, told their loan wouldn’t close, and were left not knowing what to do. They gave me a call and told me a horrible story that made me angry and frustrated. I knew right away I had to help them.
Their story started much like a lot of young couples. Ethan and Kalani moved to East Tennessee roughly 3 years ago to be near Kalani’s parents. They were lucky enough to rent a house from an uncle, but they were determined to own their own home. So they immediately started saving and building their credit. Eventually they began the search for their dream home, and started the loan qualifying process. Their goal was to secure a VA loan to help them buy their first home.
They met with a company that specialized in loans for veterans through an 800#. The company made it sound so easy that Ethan and Kalani moved forward with them immediately. Ethan said at first everything was good, and it was really easy.
By this time, they’d found their dream home, a lovely house on a big piece of property with fruit trees, and plenty of room for the new baby, which was on the way. Their plans were coming together and they were excited.
Requirements met, their prize was in sight. All they needed was patience to get them through to closing and the keys to their new home. But…out of the blue…things fell apart. The lender told them they couldn’t get the loan approved. And this is what really makes me mad: the lender blamed it on the underwriter. Then they told the Conley’s there was nothing more to do, and washed their hands, leaving Ethan and Kalani hanging. No keys. No hope.
They gave me a call, and like I said, I knew I could help. I HAD to help. So I jumped right in, assessing the situation, providing some education, walking them through the process, and keeping them up to date. Granted, they were in a horrible spot, and feeling pretty low when they came to me, but I was out to change that. In fact, Ethan said he wasn’t going to believe anything until he had the keys in his hands! They were anxious and nervous for sure…but…in the end I was able to rescue the loan. They had the keys to a beautiful home with plenty of room for baby, and a future that would be filled with lots and lots of memories. It was an epic finale where the good guy triumphs and wins the ultimate victory!
So, now I have a question for you. Do you know someone, or do you have a client who needs assistance with their loan? Send them my way and I’ll help them find victory all their own. Just give me a call. The number is (865) 745-5626.
Here’s to Spring and Successful Closings! Nothing better than that.
And don’t forget…Let’s Mortgage!
John Fleming, Jr.
Preferred Rate
Loan Originator | NMLS 1850409
(865) 745-5626
P.S. My goal is to assist homebuyers in any way I can through education, communication and good old fashioned customer service. No matter what, I’ll help them find the best option available. Send them my way. The number is (865) 745-5626.
Food For Thought: Well, the news isn’t so great. According to Bankrate, mortgage rates are still increasing, and will reach their highest rates since 2008. There’s no denying the market is slowing down as homes become more expensive. Even so, there’s still some good news. Homebuyers can still secure a mortgage that’s right for them. And I’m committed to help. Call me at (865) 745-5626 to discuss options.
In the mood for some art? Go visit the Knoxville Museum of Art located on World’s Fair Park Drive in Knoxville. This gem is a looming four-story concrete building named in honor of Jim Clayton, and celebrates the rich, visual culture of East Tennessee. It’s open Tuesday through Sunday. What a great way to teach, inspire, and connect communities. Maybe I’ll see you for some visual exploration